D20 Products
Now Available
Apes of Nature, Myth, & The Imagination

• Pages: 39
• Zip Size: 2 MB |
Get more familiar with familiars . . . .
A familiar is an integral part of a wizard’s or a sorcerer’s capabilities. They grant numerous powers and abilities that afford the arcane spellcaster significant advantages. Betabunny's Guide to Familiars provides a thorough coverage of the subject of familiars. In includes:
- A well-organized and comprehensive set of rules for using familiars in your campaign
- 10 rules supplements and clarifications that fill in the gaps in the Player's Handbook and the DMG
- 9 new feats, 13 new spells and 2 new special abilities
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Apes of Nature, Myth, & The Imagination

• Pages: 66
• Zip Size: 2.7 MB |
Go ape!
Apes of Nature, Myth, & the Imagination takes you on an exploration of the world of apes, journeying from the ancient to the modern world, from pre-history to the 19th-century exploration of Central Africa and the Far East, with stops in the fields of cryptozoology, mythology, fiction, and fantasy. Along the way, you will encounter a number of curious beasts, and find:
• Stats and descriptions for 22 types of ape, with Challenge Ratings ranging from 1/2 to 72,
• 6 new character races,
• Stats and a description of Nzumi the Ape God and his ape religion,
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The Bestiary: Predators

• Pages: 250
• Zip Size: 12 MB |
Inject more realism into your campaign. . . .
The Bestiary: Predators provides the most extensive, most authentic coverage of predatory animals from the real world ever released for any roleplaying system. The descriptions and data for all the animals in this Bestiary have been painstakingly researched and are highly accurate. The Bestiary: Predators includes:
• Descriptions and stats for over 200 species of predators
• 177 high-quality illustrations, 45 tables and diagrams
• 11 new Special Abilities and 2 new feats
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Coming Soon
The Bestiary: Three-Volume Set

Vol 1: Predators

Vol 2: Prey

Vol 3: Stinging Creatures and Other Natural Hazards |
Betabunny Publishing will shortly be releasing the other two volumes of this three-volume Bestiary for the d20 system. Together, these three volumes provide the most extensive, most accurate coverage of natural world animals ever released for any roleplaying system. Volume 1 provides information and statistics for over 100 separate species of natural world predators. Many of these beasts can present a significant and often lethal challenge to a party of adventurers. Volume 2 covers more than 100 separate species of prey animals. While prey animals do not actively hunt other creatures, many are extremely aggressive and powerful, proving fatal to any adventurer who strays into their territory. Volume 3 covers spiders, scorpions, poisonous frogs, some tiny reptiles, and stinging insects, plus a host of other natural hazards causing pain, misery, or death to a party of adventurers.
Home Products
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